Color Me.... Italian
Matching Hats

This was the first hat I made for Carlee. I used the loom. It was a lot of fun. I think I made it a little small though, I should have kept adding more rows to the fuzzy part. I also made one for me so now Carlee and I match. lol.
The new little loom book that I bought is so much better at giving instructions than the little kit I bought for Christmas. This time was not nearly as hard as my leggings were, and it took about half the time. I was really looking foward to crafting while here in the states since everything is so available, but I've found that I'm a little overwhelmed. I'm not sure what exactly I want to work on, or what I should send home. My Grandma gave me some patterns, and we went to the fabric store I was so excited about going to.. and boy, it was huge. I didn't even know where to begin. I ended up not even buying anything yet, because I wasn't sure what to buy. They had so many unique prints, it was awesome. I'm planning on going back once I decide which patterns I want to attempt first.
I have started learning crochet. My Grandma had wanted to learn, so it's something we can do together while I'm here. I think I have the the first few basic stitches down, but the only thing I'm doing wrong is making them too tight. We're going to work on it today. We can't wait to get good at it so we can start making bigger things than just little potholders. :P
Labels: crafts, crochet, knitting loom
it's official... we didn't miss out on a winter after all...
I've been in the States for 10 days now. Right now I'm visiting my Grandparents in the D.C. area, and man is it cold. It was definately a shock coming from Sicily (especially since I thought some days in Sicily were cold.) hehe... So after feeling like winter never really happened back home, now Carlee and I are feeling it here. But at least it's not as bad as what our family is getting in Texas. Brrr! Hopefully that nasty weather is gone by the time I get to Texas (about another week). Hope everyone's doing okay in it too.
I've been keeping busy shopping (my grandma's and my favorite shared hobby), crafting a little bit, and playing World of Warcraft with Tony. (I blame him for my new addiction) It's nice to be able to do something together even though I'm miles and miles away.
more later, as i need to take a few pics to post. :D
Labels: rambling
Happy New Year
So, the new year is here, and we're pretty much doing the same thing we were at the end of last year... lol. lounging and enjoying tony's time off. I finally upgraded to the new blogger thing... hopefully I'll like it. I also picked a new layout. I was tired of that dark blue, but then I didn't like any of the layouts they had, so I just went with black and white. How fancy am I? ha.
We spent new years playing rummy. We made a few new years resolutions, but they're not really resolutions. Mine are pretty much things I just want to do. Resolutions never last longer than the month of January with me... Anyway, basically the things I want to do is just to get back into my hobbies again. Start taking time out for me. Do more crafting, reading, etc. We're also going to start getting back into music I think. I think we both kind of miss it, and it will be good for Carlee to hear and learn along the way.
The other night we watched Borat. I haven't laughed that hard or been that grossed out in a long long time. I can see how everyone's getting all offended by it, but just watching it for fun was hilarious. I kept wondering how many nights Cohen spent in jail for all those stunts he pulled. Geez... hehe.
So.... what do you lable your posts when all you do is ramble? I guess I defeat the whole purpose of that little add on.
Labels: rambling
I'm just a girl... trying to be a good wife.. trying to be a good mom... trying to finish my degree... trying to adjust to living overseas for the first time... and always looking for new hobbies. :D