Color Me.... Italian
gotta love sicily's electric company...... NOT!!
This past week has been.... fun. Tuesday we ran to base for errands and such. We arrived back home to find the power out in the whole neighborhood. So we... correction..
I spent all day entertaining Carlee, while it started getting stuffy in the house. blech. We couldn't cook anything so we ended up going to a nearby restraunt for dinner, and right after our plates came out, THEIR electricity went out! At least we got to eat... Our electricity finally came back on early the next morning. Wednesday was okay. Thursday, it shut back off around 9 am. I hadn't even had a chance to make breakfast yet. So we had bananas and milk... Carlee was hungry for lunch by 10 am. lol... I ended up going to a friend's house for the day since apparently my street was the only one with power issues. Came back home in the afternoon to a nice cold air conditioned house. Then today, the power went out AGAIN! thankfully only for an hour.... but this is really getting frustrating. Anyway...
Today I got to go to the market again with Angela. It was fun, and it wasn't even too hot out until we were ready to go. I tried to take a few pictures, but I felt somewhat hesitant. I wasn't sure how people were going to react, or if anyone would get mad, etc. So I finally snapped one of a vegetable vendor and his stand, and he looked up right as I was taking the picture, and just grinned this huge grin. I laughed because I figured he was probably thinking I wanted his picture because I thought he was hot or something... LMAO, so I didn't take anymore. Maybe next time I'll be more brave... :) I'll see how the few came out that I took and post them soon. Tonight, I'm too tired though.
I did a lot of cleaning after the market, until Tony got home. Started on dinner. Tried a new chicken divan recipe. It was pretty good, but I found out that Tony doesn't like broccoli. I swear he's such a picky eater. But amazingly Carlee loved it, so we'll have it again anyway. That was the first "real" dinner she's had in a long long time. Lately she's only been eating fruit, sandwiches, and mac&cheese... unfortunately. But the doctor said it was okay..... psh. whatever. I'm not even worried about it because it's obvious she's not malnourished! :D
I'm tired. this is all for today.
Labels: home, market, Sicily
geez it's HOT
I just found out that yesterday it reached 111 degrees! omg... I can't wait to see how July's going to be... thank goodness, August we won't be here! lol... we're gonna be like the Sicilians and take our vacation... (Seriously, everything but the tourist spots shuts down for the whole month of August!)
btw our leave got approved!!! woohoo!
6 Billion Others
While blog surfing, I found this site:
6 Billion Othersand I spent Carlee's naptime watching the videos. I'm really interested in cultures, and seeing these videos was amazing. To hear people's ideals spoken in their native language, to see the difference in the way people think, and yet to find that some things are believed and wanted by all, regardless of race or religion or culture... It's a really beautiful project.
I love the Italian's take on Love.
The Japanese take on Fear.
and the Brazilian's take on Laughter.
I'll be checking back at the site, can't wait to be able to see the final project.
Labels: culture, humanity
I was in heaven yesterday
After a few months of craving a Denny's or IHOP style breakfast, we finally had one for dinner last night. Yesterday while at the Nex, I noticed....
I've been wanting one for a long time now, and the nex just never had one. One of my friends asked why I didn't just order one online, and honestly 1.) I don't really like online shopping for stuff like that and 2.) even if I had looked it up online, I probably would have talked myself out of buying it. Anyway, so there were only 2 left and I grabbed one. :D We didn't want to wait til next weekend to eat a nice breakfast, so we had it for dinner. Waffles, syrup, blueberries, whip cream, eggs over medium, bacon... oh man, it was delicious. It's crazy what you start to miss from home. Waffles was my #1, and my hubby is my hero for buying me the waffle maker!
Labels: food
Executed Duckie and other various things...
You know, before we had Carlee, we had our cats to add some laughter to our lives. Then Carlee came and she added even more. Some days, there's an event that involves both cat and kid, such was the case today. When we came downstairs this morning, Carlee found this:
The poor annihilated duckie was funny enough to start my day, but Carlee's reaction was even more priceless. "OHH NOOO! DuGK! Oh NOOO MOMMY DUGK! Head! Dugk! Head!" She repeated the phrase while she diligently tried to place the head back on the duck. After several unsuccessful attempts she finally handed the pieces to me, and simply said, "Dugk. oww. head. yeah."
"You're right," I answered. "Looks like Dori got a hold of your duckie." She was happy with that answer I suppose because then she took off, and I took the duckie away with a smile on my face that I couldn't get rid of.
The tiramisu the other day was so delicious. oh. my. goodness. delicious. It just melted with sweetness and the vanilla flavored coffee that I used. It barely lasted the two days. I had originally planned on taking a small piece to friends, and Tony insisted that I didn't. He wanted to be selfish with it, and I let him. I even gave him the very last bite.
I am finally done with my geology course. I once again feel that release of stress and weight on my shoulders. I always feel that after finishing every class though. Tony thinks it's funny that I stress out so much about it, but I take my classes very seriously, and I want to do my very best. Once I'm done, though, the feeling of accomplishing something is worth it.
Yesterday I went to the market with my friend Angela, who I just found out blogs as well. She loves photography too, but she's much better than me. Her photos are gorgeous, AND she and her husband get to travel a lot more than we do. I'm jealous. :D
Anyway, we went to the Mineo market, and I was so happy to go. I really need to get out in the economy more often. Angela introduced me to her veggie vendor and when he offered his cheek, for a split second, I COMPLETELY forgot that they kiss on the cheeks. lol. I felt like such a DA. I recovered quickly though, and I think I played it off okay. hehe. I ended up buying 2 kilos (4.4 lbs) of ripe peaches for 1.50 euro, and 1/2 kilo (1.1 lb) of cherries for 1.25 euro. You can't beat that. I also found some gorgeous wool yarn that I'm looking foward to using in my next crochet project. I want to start going to the markets more often, and I promise I will take my camera, because I really want to share it with you guys. I love the market, people watching, and seeing all the wares. It's fun.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Labels: carlee, college, food, italy
The Saddest Celery Ever
I should really REALLY start grocery shopping on the economy. Seriously.
This is what I found at our little commisary when I went to go buy ingredients for the chicken cacciatore I had planned on having tonight. Well, I'm NOT going to use this... I was going to try, but then opted against it, since it really just grossed me out that the celery didn't even break when I bent it. It actually swayed back and forth when I moved it... eww. I had also planned on making tiramisu to go with dinner, and since I was looking foward to trying that all day, I made it anyway, even though we're now having tacos. Cacciatore will be for tomorrow, and hopefully we'll have some tiramisu left over.
Labels: food
my morning
Reply email #1 to hubby:
you're daughter woke up in a horrible mood, she's been crying since she woke up.... and wants goldfish for breakfast, and I won't give them to her so she's screaming in my face... ugh fun... NOT.
love you
Reply email #2 to hubby:
So, I finally got her off the goldfish, and got her eggcited about eggs. LMAO. I crack myself up. Anyway, I was so frazzled by the screaming in my face bit, that I clumsily dropped the carton of two whole eggs on the floor. One completely broke on the floor (which immediately made Carlee stop crying, and say "EgG! EGG! eGg!")
"uh... yeah i know Carlee, thanks." So, I pick up the eggs hoping that the last one is at least salvagable. It was. So I cooked it, gave it to her and she started to eat. I came to the computer, opened my email, and twenty seconds later, (I kid you not) I hear, "More. More. More." Geez! So, I go look and sure enough, it's completely gone.
"Do you want oatmeal or cheerios?" I ask.
"I want eggs!" (she actually said it.)
"Well, a second ago, you didn't want eggs, and now that there's not any eggs, you want them.... Oatmeal or Cheerios?"
"Allright, oatmeal it is." So she's crying, and I finally bring out the oatmeal, she takes one look at it and starts crying about the eggs. I give her a bite, and she continues to cry.. Then she hands over her spoon and starts crying about that. "What, do you want a different spoon?"
"yeah." (She's been doing this a lot lately, suddenly one is "eww." and the other is good.)
"Which one do you want? Dora?" Finally, the sweetness of the oatmeal must have sunk in because she suddenly wanted the spoon back and proceeded to eat. And now she's done with her oatmeal (half of it anyway) and crying for the goldfish again...
fun fun
love me
ahh, the attitude of a two year old... gotta love it.
Labels: carlee
hey kaos check it out :D

Finally got Kaveri to level 40 a few weeks ago.... got shadowform, and my mount all in the same day. Very Nice!
Labels: WOW
the end is near
Thank God. Day 3 of a vicious stomach bug caught by a tiny two year old body. Does not make for a pretty sight. ugh....