Color Me.... Italian
Thursday, May 18, 2006
  my closet
So I started cleaning through my closet the other day. I made a list of my goals concerning my closet:

List of things to keep:
14 teeshirts at most... preferably 10
7 pairs of jeans at most
3 wife beaters
night gowns

Things to Get rid of:
clothes that are too small
if I haven't worn it in a really long time
stained/holey/old clothes

well, finally today I'm through with almost all of it. Here's what I ended up with:

25 teeshirts (one I can never get rid of is from when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade!)
11 pairs of jeans (2 are so torn and ratty, but I just cannot get rid of them! my favorites!)
3 denim skirts (that I LOVE and I forgot were in my closet!!!)
These I will probably never wear, but... I'm keeping just in case....
1 red pair of pants (why do i have red pants? i dunno... I had 2 pair! lol)
1 khaki pants
1 forest green pair of pants
2 punk style capris
1 grey nice pair of pants

I have some nice tops and dresses that I'm keeping in my closet also, but those weren't as hard to go through as my shirts and pants. hehe... well, my dresser is empty and over half of my closet is gone, and I still need to go through a few boxes of clothes that I don't know where they came from.

In my opinion, I'm doing a really good job. It's hard to get rid of anything of mine. lol... I can laugh at myself. :)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
  last night
Last night was a little hard for me. My best friends here threw me a farewell dinner. Well, it was supposed to be for both Hubby and me, but he had to stay late at work. :( So, the baby and I went. It was a geocaching event, so all of my geocaching buddies went. A lot of people showed up, honsestly I was really surprised. It was a little overwhelming to say the least. Over the last two years, they all have become close friends, some more like family. And I had had a fairly stressfull day, C had still been acting up all day, and then to suddenly realize I was saying goodbye to my great friends here, it just hit me all at once, and well, I lost it. I was bawling. My friend L joined me though, so I wasn't alone in the crying. :) Sigh... it was awesome though, to know that no matter where we go from here, these great people will always be there for us if we need them. It's amazing to make friends like that.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
My Mother's Day :

Mother's day reminded me yet again why my husband is so freakin cute. (now I know where C gets it from... hehe) For over a week, Hubby had a surprise planned for me. While I usually get secrets and surprises out of him, this time I wanted to be surprised. So, I didn't question anything, didn't beg to find out... :) All I knew was that it was a dressy dinner and some sort of event or show. So, we got a babysitter (thanks again L!) and headed out to the location. We arrived and the place was dead! We looked around and read the sign advertising the show.... It was an opera show! I never would have guessed my hubby would be one to take me to an opera! So I was quite impressed. Well, we were in the right place, but as I looked closer at the sign I read May 12. Oh no! lol... I told hubby, and he said, "well, what's today!?!" the 14th, I answered. So, we decided to go out for dinner and a movie instead. It was definately the thought that counted. I love him so much, and I love him even more when stuff like this happens. He's tries so hard, and it's so cute. lol...


Yesterday, I had an appointment to take the car in for a checkup to make sure it will last a while after we take it to Italy. Well, a lady suggested we might sell it instead of taking it with us. Which actually sounded like a good idea, so we got it appraised, but we're still upside down on it, and would end up still -2000 almost. So we decided against it. But all day was spent at the Saturn place, and then at CarMax. When we finally got home we started going through some stuff... I started a "donate" box for stuff to just get rid of. It's a little overwhelming.... There's still a lot to do and no time to do it in.


Today C has been a fussy terror. I don't know what's wrong with her! It started last night, she was fussy for about an hour before she finally fell asleep. She was even throwing tantrums... Well, I had hoped she would wake up in a better mood today, but no such luck. She's been the same way all morning, and I've been trying to keep going through stuff and getting rid of some of it, but she won't leave me alone! lol... She's finally taking a nap so I should get back to it before she wakes up again. Hopefully, she'll be in a better mood.
Monday, May 15, 2006
  R.I.P. fishies
Tony is about to flush them :(
I'm making sure he doesn't let Dori eat them, that would be even worse. :(
Poor fishies.
I got tagged by JoyceB so here are my answers: :D

3 Places you'd love to visit
>>>Italy (which will come true here pretty soon!), Greece, and Mexico (the nice tropical part).

3 people you haven't seen in years... but wish you could
>>>Oh man... um... (hopefully my immediate family will never be on this list) My Great Grandmas who have passed away. GrannyO (my father's grandmother), who I hadn't seen in years... which is a sad result of divorce and the distance between the two sides. My Great Grandma in Texas who I was fortunate to grow up knowing. If I could see both one more time, I'd ask so many things, tell them so many things, have them meet my daughter. But both of them lived long and filled lives. Both were awesome women... and last but not least, my best friend Rise who I saw last 2 years ago when she made the road trip with me from Texas to Florida to help me move, but we still talk and stay in touch, she's such an awesome friend.

3 things you'd like to accomplish in the next 3 years
>>>Finish at least my Business Associate's degree online while we spend our time in Italy. Get my marriage recognized by the Church. Become more active in the navy wife role.

3 people you will tag
>>>Mom, Loraloo, and Caraloopy. :)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
  chaos = not sleeping :(
The past few days have been nonstop. Right after I wrote my last blog entry, the hubby got home early and we headed out to finish the visa stuff, stopped by medical to ask what we needed to do to transfer our records to Italy, and had a meeting with our financial advisor. That night I didn't get to sleep until after 2, and then C woke up and cried for a while, so that kept me up until 3. Then we had to get up at 5:30 so I could take hubby to work (even though they had promised him the day off....) So, I took him to work, and then took Nemo to her vet appointment for the chip. Picked up Hubby afterward, then we had the meeting at NAS Jax. That lasted about two hours, and I had to go to the Nex and entertain the baby since she couldn't be at the meeting (poor me)... *wink* I found some really cute clothes for C to wear for her birthday pictures. Which I need to get done this week.

So, last night I couldn't sleep again. I wasn't stressed out very much until we found out that transferring the car was going to be harder than we thought. Well, it wouldn't be had we not had to wait til the last minute to go to the meeting... Turns out they need notarized copies of the car's title and a letter from the company stating we have permission to take the car. So, Hubby got on that yesterday, faxed some stuff over, and hopefully they'll send what we need right away.

Everyday, here on out there is something planned. So, family and friends if you don't hear from me in a while.... that's why. Today I was going to try to take C in for her pictures, but I was so tired I let Hubby take the car to work this morning even though he has duty... So, I'll probably work on taking pictures of all our expensive belongings.

Oh, and we quit the coke competition last night. hehe...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
  cloudy day
It rained all day yesterday and it's really cloudy and humid today. I've been a busy bee all day so far though. Laundry, dishes, scrubbed the baby's highchair, and vacuumed all on top of keeping C on her normal schedule. She's napping now, which is why I'm on the computer. :)

We're one step closer to Italy!!! woohoo! Yesterday, work finally let hubby off early and we were able to go on base and get our new IDs. Hubby had said it would take only five minutes... yeah, right! lol... we were stuck there for two hours! It felt like forever with a bored fussy baby who always wants to be on the move. But we finally got called up to the counter, and finally got our cards. While we were there, Hubby was taking care of the passport stuff at an office down the hall. Turns out we needed a sheet to be notarized, and a copy of our IDs notarized, which he never told us before that. So we headed over to legal, and luckily caught them before the office closed and got that taken care of too. So now all we have to do is buy a postage paid envelope and take in all the paperwork for our visa's, and schedule the packout, and get Nemo's chip and we're done! woohoo!

Hubby and I have started a contest. It's Who can go the longest without a coke. :) He brought it up yesterday, while we were eating our BurgerKing dinner. So I agreed, but was a little dissapointed that my last coke was a watered down tiny child size coke. :( But it's okay.

I've also started a mini workout routine that Hubby told me to do. It's basically some crunches, side situps, sissor kicks, then push ups. I've also been doing a little bit of yoga when I can fit it in, though it's more like just stretching, I don't have the time or quiet environment to really get into the relaxation part of it. I've started doing all this because I hurt my lower back the other day picking C up from her bath, and I really want to build up a little bit of muscle. Hopefully in Italy we can take advantage of the base gym.

Well, I should get back to laundry... and finish vacuuming. :)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
  Things Falling into Place?
So, our passports arrived yesterday to the PSD office. YAY! So, now I'm waiting for Hubby to get off of work early (will it happen? who knows) so we can go down there and turn in the paperwork for our required travelers' visas. We've got an upcoming meeting on the 10th for learning about and scheduling our packout. This month is pretty much booked. I need to get Nemo's identification chip implanted, Baby Girl's 1st birthday party, our geocaching friends are throwing us a farewell dinner, we need to visit some family that lives about 7 hours from us, and the packout are all happening this month. I'm sure there's other things I forgot in there too. Ahhh! lol... but it's getting really exciting!

We watched a dvd about Sicily last weekend, and it is so beautiful! Breathtaking! I cannot wait!!! Part of me is still a little sad... leaving the country for three years is going to be a big deal. I know I will be bawling when we leave. Especially with losing two great grandmothers this past year, it really reminds you how precious time is, and I really wish I could get home more and visit more often.... and let my daughter really get to know everyone in the family. But on the other hand, I know that this is our life now, and I am really enjoying it, and I'm happy. I know that this is ultimately what my family wants for me in the first place. But it's still hard, and I think it probably always will be to some degree.
Monday, May 01, 2006
  Granny O
I lost my great grandmother on my dad's side yesterday. I was told she passed in her sleep peacefully. I hope that is true. She was a wonderful person. Growing up, we only really got to see her when my dad would take us up to Oklahoma, and we would visit her and Granny, Aunt K, and my cousins. I remember her cinnamin rolls, the yummy sweet smell in the morning. I remember her making us divinity and fudge for Christmas. I most recently saw her a few years ago at my cousin's wedding. We talked and I remember her asking me, "So are you going to get married soon?" That still makes me smile.

There are so many things I wish... but I know she's in a wonderful place, and she's looking over us now. My Aunt wrote a nice memorial entry to her here.
I'm just a girl... trying to be a good wife.. trying to be a good mom... trying to finish my degree... trying to adjust to living overseas for the first time... and always looking for new hobbies. :D

Location: Sicily, Italy
  • Carlee's Blog
  • Old Geocaching Blog
  • My Life as it was in Florida
  • Vive Le Vegan
  • Kitchen Ramblings from a Fairly Odd Tofu Mom
  • Craft Junkie
  • California to Sicily
  • Paradise Failed
  • Suburbia Las Vegas
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