I got tagged by
JoyceB so here are my answers: :D
3 Places you'd love to visit>>>Italy (which will come true here pretty soon!), Greece, and Mexico (the nice tropical part).
3 people you haven't seen in years... but wish you could>>>Oh man... um... (hopefully my immediate family will never be on this list) My Great Grandmas who have passed away. GrannyO (my father's grandmother), who I hadn't seen in years... which is a sad result of divorce and the distance between the two sides. My Great Grandma in Texas who I was fortunate to grow up knowing. If I could see both one more time, I'd ask so many things, tell them so many things, have them meet my daughter. But both of them lived long and filled lives. Both were awesome women... and last but not least, my best friend Rise who I saw last 2 years ago when she made the road trip with me from Texas to Florida to help me move, but we still talk and stay in touch, she's such an awesome friend.
3 things you'd like to accomplish in the next 3 years>>>Finish at least my Business Associate's degree online while we spend our time in Italy. Get my marriage recognized by the Church. Become more active in the navy wife role.
3 people you will tag >>>
Loraloo, and
Caraloopy. :)