Things Falling into Place?
So, our passports arrived yesterday to the PSD office. YAY! So, now I'm waiting for Hubby to get off of work early (will it happen? who knows) so we can go down there and turn in the paperwork for our required travelers' visas. We've got an upcoming meeting on the 10th for learning about and scheduling our packout. This month is pretty much booked. I need to get Nemo's identification chip implanted, Baby Girl's 1st birthday party, our geocaching friends are throwing us a farewell dinner, we need to visit some family that lives about 7 hours from us, and the packout are all happening this month. I'm sure there's other things I forgot in there too. Ahhh! lol... but it's getting really exciting!
We watched a dvd about Sicily last weekend, and it is so beautiful! Breathtaking! I cannot wait!!! Part of me is still a little sad... leaving the country for three years is going to be a big deal. I know I will be bawling when we leave. Especially with losing two great grandmothers this past year, it really reminds you how precious time is, and I really wish I could get home more and visit more often.... and let my daughter really get to know everyone in the family. But on the other hand, I know that this is our life now, and I am really enjoying it, and I'm happy. I know that this is ultimately what my family wants for me in the first place. But it's still hard, and I think it probably always will be to some degree.