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Please Follow Me....
Allright the incredible masses that read my blog *you, and you, oh and you over there too* please follow me to my new blog. I know... another blog address change in 2 1/2 years... but I promise this will be my last, so I hope all of my friends will come read it!
To sum it up, the reasons for the change: 1 the title/address of this blog doesn't represent what I write about and 2 I use a new gmail address, so it's a pain to keep logging in and out back and forth between email and blogger, so my new blog is connected to the email account that I actually use.
:) Plus I'll be posting more regularly!!!
So come read
Apple Picking 10/06/07
Our first stop on our trip home was to Virginia, as we flew into Norfolk, and my grandparents (who live about 3 hours away) picked us up. Our first night in, we ate at this very good Thai restaurant, my first time eating at one. It was delicious! The next day was spent at a nearby farm picking apples.
We were still a bit jet lagged, but I wanted to do this day trip anyway. I wanted to see Carlee's reaction to the apple trees, since she loves apples. As soon as we arrived, I fell in love with the place. I wanted a farm lol. It was so beautiful out there. Carlee had a blast, and kept picking tiny apples. Apples that were perfect for her little hands. We ended up gathering two bags full, well, I say we, but I mostly took pictures. :) Once I find the brochure I have, I'll come back and add where the orchard is, and what not. Here are some pictures:
Carlee couldn't wait to eat the first apple she picked!
The average size of the apples Carlee picked:

My favorite picture: Grandpa trying to get the apple, Carlee trying to help,
and Grandma saying, "No, not that one...
that one!"

A view from the orchard:

Carlee trying to carry the bag of apples, she's so strong!

Labels: carlee, October 07 Trip, visiting family
The Purpose of our Trip Home
We've been home for a week now, and we're finally getting back to normal. I've been busy trying to get caught up with MOMS club stuff, with things going wrong the entire time. I've also been trying to get my house back to normal with Carlee trailing less than a foot behind me, creating new messes. Speaking of Carlee, we're also dealing with her being in attention/spoiling withdrawal. Nice. :) So, to post about our trip home.
We had planned so many things we had wanted to do. Along with visiting family, we had wanted to go to vegan restraunts, see tons of movies, go thrift shopping galore, etc. But our trip ended up being intended for a whole different reason. I hate to refer to Evan Almighty again, BUT there's a part in the movie, where God is telling Evan he wants him to build the ark. Evan starts saying how he can't because it doesn't fit into his plans of making it in D.C. and goes into detail of what he had planned to do with his life/career. God just looks at him and says, "your plan?" and laughs.
That's how I felt about this trip. God had different plans for us. It's just amazing to us how everything happens for a reason. There was a reason we didn't make it down in August, a reason September didn't happen either, even a reason for the flight schedule changing at the very last minute. We were meant to be home exactly when we were.
Tony's Grandma passed away the last week we were there. We are so grateful that we could be there, that we were meant to be there. We were able to visit with her just a day before she had her stroke. I'm so glad we were able to do that. Tony was able to say goodbye, and come to peace with her passing, and was able to spend a lot of time with his family.
And this was the purpose of our trip.
Rest in Peace, Lupe. We love you.
Labels: October 07 Trip, visiting family
A rude awakening
Today I woke up to Tony walking into the bedroom. "Are you still sleeping?" he asked.
"Yes, why?" I said turning over to go back to sleep.
"Well, because it's 2:45."
"No, it's not." I pulled the blanket over my head.
"Yes it is. I'm already home from work."
"You're such a liar. You got off early."
"No I'm not!" he said grabbing the alarm clock. He shoved it in my face, and sure enough it read 2:48 PM.
What the hell? But I guess I should have expected it, since I couldn't get to sleep until 5 AM. We just got back from a month long trip home to the states, and the time difference is kicking my butt.... and Carlee's too, she was still sleeping when I went in there. lol... oh this is gonna suck for the next few days.
I'll update more soon. Right now I've got to go check on my rising dough. I'm making soft pretzels at 10:30 PM.