Week in Review
I know it's not even the weekend... it's humpday. But I haven't blogged in a bit, so I'll review what we've been up to....
Working out our leave:
Tony's October leave got approved, however, (as our luck would have it) the flight schedule changes the first week of October. Which means that the last rotater flight back that we could take is a week before Tony's leave ends. So, we're seeing if his command would mind if we leave and come back a few days later, so that it works out with the new schedule. Regardless, we WILL be coming home. Even if we have to buy last minutes commercial tickets. We're not putting this off again. We'll make it work. The only thing we're kind of bummed about it not being home for Halloween because last year was so much fun, that we were looking forward to making it a family tradition. =)
My Accounting Class:
So, my managerial accounting class is going well so far. I've had three assignments due already which I've gotten A's on all of them. woohoo! My next assignment is due on Monday, and I have to take the first test on next Wednesday. It's really funny, because now I'm analyzing everything, hah. Whether or not a certain business could claim "such and such" as manufacturing costs, or if it would be Administration.... Contemplating the overhead costs that might have gone into a shirt I see at the nex... etc. etc. lol.... it's fun... like my brain needed another reason to be constantly thinking.....
Let's see last week... Tuesday I went to my first pilates class. That felt awesome. I loved it, and I've only missed one class since then.
**ARGH my stupid H key is not working. I keep having to backspace and retype it 6 times!!!***
Last Wednesday I drove all tHe way to base to go to a writer's club meeting, wHich ended up being cancelled! I decided I was going to start going because I used to love to write back in High school and it was something I hadn't done in a long time, except for once in a while. I figure I need to start doing things tHat I'm interested in again. Things for me.
Saturday we went to a beach with a bunch of our friends. It was our first time at Fontane Bianche. It is beautiful!!! The beach is so sandy and there's not any rocks or shells or anything, which I was a little disappointed in since I love to collect things from the beach. We spent the day out there, playing in tHe water, sun tanning, people watching. We saw our first topless beach goer. Hah. There was also a lady selling massages for 5 euro, whicH some of our friends got, but I passed on. I was already completely relaxed from the sounds of the beach and tHe warm sun shining on me. I didn't even need one. =D It was so fun to be out! To be with good friends! and see new sights! I love weekends like that.
After we had enough of the beach, we all headed home. We were supposed to head over to our friends Angie & Les' House for dinner, but unfortunately on the way home, it started raining (which we were delighted to be caught in the first shower we've seen this summer) so we missed our turn. We kept going to see if tHere was anotHer way back to 417 (tHe road we take home), but tHere wasn't, and then there wasn't, and then there wasn't. We almost made it all tHe way to Piazza Armerina before finding a way back to our little town. The drive was beautiful tHough, and despite being tired of being in tHe car, and frustrated witH being farther from home, we still enjoyed the scenery. I was mad that I had only taken our small camera instead of the big one. I took pictures, but they all came out pretty meH.
THe next night, we went over to Angie & Les' since we missed dinner the night before. She cooked us up a delicious Thai curry. Very good =D We enjoyed a game of cards before eating my blueberry crisp for dessert, and then finally headed home since it was past Carlee's bedtime.
Monday night, we drove out to Motta to go to a welcome dinner for a new girl at Tony's work. Maaannnn.... Do I feel sorry she has to work with those guys... Hah. I got my first taste of how they really act towards each other, and let me tell you, they are horrible! A bunch of dirty sailors. HAh. Both the 2 newest girls are really cool. It was a fun dinner and we had a blast. Carlee loved it too. Everyone wHo works witH Tony absolutely adores Carlee, so it was nice to not feel like I Had to confine Her to her chair or anytHing. THey didn't mind at all as sHe crawled back and forth under the table to visit each and every one of them. lol
Tuesday night we went to another dinner for Angie's birthday. Happy Birthday Angie!!! We have no idea how we ended up at tHe restaurant in Catania, but we did. We followed Angie & Les, but I don't think we could find our way back. I swear that city is a maze and a half to drive through. And I almost had 15 anxiety attacks. There were so many close calls with cars, with people on bikes (with no lights so you couldn't even see them til you were 1 inch away), pedestrians deciding to cross the street right in the middle of traffic. OMG. It's insane. Then trying to park was a whole different story. Somehow, Tony ended up driving down stairs into a park. LMAO. That was fun. Driving back up them was hilarious, thankfully it was only a few short stairs. Tony kept saying, "Sheena this is the parking lot." "Uhh, no Tony. There's a couple sitting over there on a bench." HA. It was a Chinese restaurant, and the food was really good. I was so impressed, the people who worked there could speak Chinese, Italian, and English. Geez I need to get on the ball with learning another language. =) They even had veggie options for each of the courses, which was nice. However, I didn't realize there would be egg in my noodle & sauteed veggie dish, so I had to pick it out. Next time I'll make sure to ask for no egg. It was a lot of fun thougH. And I made a birtHday card for Angie. I love how it came out. It's one of my favorites so far. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it though for my craft files, I'll have to see if she still has it... =)
So that brings us to today. Carlee and I drove to base tHis afternoon to go to tHe writer's club meeting again. THe lady who is trying to get tHe club going didn't go again for some reason, but 3 of us sHowed up, so we decided to just work togetHer on some writing exercises. It was fun, and nice to be writing again. I tHink it's so cool how a single hobby can bring together people who are completely different from each other. There was a 15 year old girl (who I'm so jealous of), me (a quite young mom, seriously Carlee is about the only thing that separated me and the 15 year old from possibly being best friends lol), and another lady who was a bit older then me, but has no kids. So, 3 different women, on completely different stages of our lives, brought together by one shared love of writing. Is tHat cool or what? The reason I'm jealous of A (the 15 yr old) is that sHe is so incredibly lucky. She moved here about 6 months ago, and she was given the cHoice of either attending the DOD school on base, or attending an Italian school. SHe chose the Italian Art school, even though she knew not even one word of Italian. She's been able to experience so much, and I told her that there are hardly any kids who get opportunities like that. I really think she appreciates the experiences though, sHe's an awesome girl and I think she's really going to go far. I can't wait to get to know these ladies more through these meetings and their writing.
After we got back from base, Carlee and I made some salt dough clay for an art project I'm doing. My mom works at the main college campus of the school I go to online, and the library is putting on a challenged art display for Banned Book Week. I love writing, and I love reading. (both of which I'm just getting back into.) So when I read about this, I knew I wanted to submit something. I'm one of those people that don't agree with a minority getting to censor books. So what if you don't agree with something that's written? Other people still have the right to read it. That's my feelings on that. So, I have my project in mind. I'm hoping to work on/finish it tonight or in the morning and get it in the mail by tomorrow afternoon. I wanted it done already, but I've been pretty busy... oh well. It might be a few days late. Anywho. I'll post pics of it after my mom has seen it. I'm excited to see her reaction, only because my idea is completely something that I would never normally create. It's very outside my comfort zone as far as creating something for others to view. Plus, I owe my love of books to my mom, so I want her to be the first to see it. =D
So, with that being said, I'm going to get to work on it. I'll post pictures later of the beach, and Carlee, and whatnot.
Labels: college, me, Sicily, writing