sugar and spice... and everything nice
I absolutely adore little girls. I spoil my own rotten, I admit it, and my husband is no better. If it were up to me, we'd be trying for another little girl right about now, but unfortunately I cannot convince Tony. It's kind of hard, too, because so many of my friends (and a lot of family) are either pregnant or trying to get pregnant... and I want to try too DANGIT! :( Anyway, since we aren't, I've been spending money on other people's kids. lol... Tony laughed at me the other week because I went to a baby shower for a girl that I had never even met before. Now, don't worry, I didn't just look for pink balloons outside the door and show up with a gift... I was actually invited, I promise. hehe.
Anyway, at that baby shower, a girl had made the mommy-to-be a diaper cake. I had never seen or heard of one before this, so when I found out that one of my close friends was going to be having a baby shower, I decided I was going to try to make her one. Mine didn't come out as pretty as the one I saw at the shower, but I am still really pleased with it.

Yeah, that's stuff in the bag too, AND I still have my unfinished crocheted gift to give to her too. I think I'll give her the finished part, and save the other half for later. After the shower tomorrow, I'll take a picture of it and post. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!