Color Me.... Italian
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
  a little stressed...
This past week's been fun to say the least... Last week, the dryer started squealing really loud. REALLY loud. It had a little squeak to it before, but it didn't bother me enough to call in a trouble call. Well, this was really bothersome. So, I called. They came and "fixed" it on Thursday. By Friday it was squealing again. So, I walked over to housing, which was supposed to be open but wasn't. I was frustrated knowing it would have to wait to the next week. Then over the weekend, there was a gas leak, and everyone's gas got turned off. It was right after our Christmas dinner at a friend's house, and thankfully we had already eaten. But, when we went home, our water wasn't getting hot at all. So I call my friend, and she says, "dude, you have to turn on your water heater." So, she came over to help with that..... only it didn't want to come back on. At all. Nada. So... we went without hot water until Monday.

I finally made it up to housing then, and apparently a lot of people's water heaters weren't coming back on, something about a lot of air in the pipes or something. Oh, and I reopened my dryer work order as well. Well, they didn't fix the water heater until that evening, and today they are supposed to come fix the dryer. Besides all that... I've got my last final to take today, which I had planned on taking yesterday, but Tony needed the car for work.

So, yeah... then when I tried to register for a few spring classes, CTC is showing that I owe 138 dollars for some reason from Fall semester. Which I don't know where that came from, since I paid the full amount right after I registered. So, I can't register for Spring until I pay all of that, which I'm not going to because it shouldn't even be there. Today, I'm going to base to take my final, and to stop by the CTC office, hopefully the rep. can tell me what's going on...

Oh, and apparently I'm "cruel" to my child for putting her in a baby harness once in a while. Sheesh... I wish I could voluntarily close my mind that much so that in my world "cruelty" is a baby harness. gah. I wish this repair man would hurry up and get here so that I can get down to base. blah.

Ending on a good note... Our little video rental store FINALLY got PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2!!! It was supposed to be out last week, but the box never made it here. SOooo... I had to wait. I was the second person in the store yesterday at 11:02. haha. It opened at 11. It's sad that the highlight of the week here was that movie being on the shelf.
I was wondering what was up with the water last weekend! Kevin re-lit the pilot light and it worked after that. Somethings always breaking in this place!
What is a baby harness? Do what ya gotta do, I say! Its hard enough being a parent without worrying about what other people think!
Hope your week gets better! There's always Santa to look forward toon Saturday! If you miss him, Babbo Natale is at the mall and the pictures are free! But he's really skinny! And Castorama had tons of blue Christmas stuff.
The baby harness I have for Carlee is basically little straps that fit like a vest, and then there's a strap that I can hold on to, kind of like a leash. I like it because I can give Carlee a little bit of independence without the possibility of her completely running off. We bought it to use when traveling and in busy places and such. I honestly don't care that some people don't like them, but I didn't understand her saying that parents who used them were cruel. but w/e. I can't wait for Santa pictures too! :D I'm so excited for Christmas this year. See ya later :P
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I'm just a girl... trying to be a good wife.. trying to be a good mom... trying to finish my degree... trying to adjust to living overseas for the first time... and always looking for new hobbies. :D

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