
This is the town of Mineo. I took this at the end of our street. What I had seen minutes before this picture was taken, was so perfectly beautiful. The clouds were higher, and the sun was hitting them and the buildings more brilliantly. But... it took me too long to get the camera ready with the bigger lens. Oh well... There are definately moments here that just take your breath away.... I guess I enjoyed that one too long, otherwise I might have been able to share it with ya'll. lol :P
I haven't been up to much. Just studying for my online classes. My midterms are tomorrow. I've been so bored studying... I remember why I never cared too much for school... but I want to get this done and over with. My computer is obviously working better. We figured out the problem and eliminated it... so I'll try to upload a few pictures from Piazza Armerina now. :)