Color Me.... Italian
Piazza Armerina Pics of Us
These are the pictures of us. My friend Emy took these for us. I uploaded the rest of the pictures that she shared with us, and I tried Flickr I really did, but it wasn't working, so I used Snapfish. So,
here they are. Enjoy!


This is the town of Mineo. I took this at the end of our street. What I had seen minutes before this picture was taken, was so perfectly beautiful. The clouds were higher, and the sun was hitting them and the buildings more brilliantly. But... it took me too long to get the camera ready with the bigger lens. Oh well... There are definately moments here that just take your breath away.... I guess I enjoyed that one too long, otherwise I might have been able to share it with ya'll. lol :P
I haven't been up to much. Just studying for my online classes. My midterms are tomorrow. I've been so bored studying... I remember why I never cared too much for school... but I want to get this done and over with. My computer is obviously working better. We figured out the problem and eliminated it... so I'll try to upload a few pictures from Piazza Armerina now. :)
travel plans
I haven't blogged in a while, and I was actually going to try to upload some pictures from when we went to Piazza Armerina, but the connection is so slooooow tonight, it's not going to happen. The computer's been freezing and pissing me off. I defragged it and got rid of some recently downloaded programs, so maybe that solved it. Hopefully...
We haven't been up to much. But we've got a lot planned for the upcoming months. This month, we're hoping to go to Agrigento and see the Valley of the Temples and to Palermo to see the catacombs before the rainy season starts. We'd also like to hike Mt. Etna before the month's end. Then my birthday party on Halloween. We've already got a few halloween decorations up. Some shrunken heads are hanging in the hallway, Carlee just laughs at them. Spider webs are everywhere. I love Halloween. We had a skeleton decoration hanging outside, but the wind blew it away. At least I hope it was the wind, and not some one. Anywho...
NEXT month is going to be BIG! I can't wait. Thanksgiving in Tuscany! We're going on the ITT trip they're offering. We got the last 3 seats! I seriously cannot wait! It's going to be awesome. We were going to try to go somewhere for Christmas too, but decided to just stay home. Our friends have already invited us over for a traditional Icelandic Christmas dinner anyway, which I am really looking foward to also.
Next year's plans are vague, yet already existing. February, if all goes well, Carlee and I will be Space A flying home to see my little sister get married. Then in April we are going to try to space A fly to Germany and stay at a military resort and travel southern Germany for a few days. Then next October we plan on a trip to Rome. Other tentative places on our list include: Spain, Greece, Paris, Egypt, and maybe England. Hopefully we'll be able to see all of them in the next three years.
I'm so excited!