what a night...
Well, I was going to try to get up early this morning in order to go to the Mom's club workout... that was until little miss Carlee decided to wake up at midnight screaming in agony... sigh... I got up, gave her some more tylenol (it had worn off at exactly 4 hours... grr) and more orajel. Rocked her back to sleep, or so I thought, tried to put her down in the crib... and as if there was a switch, she started up again. I tried to leave and close the door behind me, I thought that maybe once she saw I was gone she could calm down. Nope. She started screaming bloody murder. After two of those screams, my instincts took over and I went back in and picked her up.
So, I took her into bed with me, trying to rock her to sleep. She would get into a light sleep, then jerk herself awake to make sure I was still there. Then I would try to get her back to sleep, and her foot kept moving, she would NOT let herself fall asleep! After almost 2 hours of trying to get her to sleep in my bed, I finally said, No, the tylenol must be working, you're going to sleep. Rocked her in the rocking chair and then put her in her bed. Fifteen minutes later she woke up again, but I let her cry it out, and five minutes later she was asleep. Goodness! This teething business is not fun.
Anyway, so this morning's plan to workout was ruined since there was no way I was going to be able to get up early enough to get Carlee and myself ready. Oh well. Yesterday was fun. In the morning, I went to my first Mom's Club "Caffeine Kicker"... even though I don't drink coffee, I went just to hang out with everyone and to let Carlee play with the kids. Though, none of the other moms with one years olds went, so she was too small to play with the bigger kids, and too big to play with the babies. But I think she had fun anyway. Mommy did. haha.
I got quite a bit done yesterday. I studied, took Carlee to the park, I worked on my cross stitching project some more, and then I worked on this:

I used the monkey on Carlee's bathroom shower curtain as a pattern and put some of my forgotten scrapbook paper to use. I'm hoping to make at least 6, some palm trees, and bananas to put up on the wall in her bathroom. I like how it came out, he's cute.
This weekend is a 3 day weekend! woohoo! On Sunday, we're going to Mount Etna with some friends. I'm excited, I can't wait. We had wanted to try to go to Palermo too, maybe on Saturday, but that'd be a lot of driving for the weekend! who knows...
Happy September 1! *Geez! I can't believe it's September already!!!
Oh, Tony's "Almost Quarter of a Century" birthday is this month! haha. I've been bugging him. I made him make a wishlist on Amazon so that I could send it to all the family. I'll do that today probably, or I'll just post it here, well, probably both. :)