Color Me.... Italian
Sunday, August 27, 2006
  yesterday's challenge
Yesterday morning was a challenge... Carlee woke up around 8 (I had been up since 6:30 with Tony, since he had to go to work.) When I went to get her, she was crying, and even after I picked her up she seemed grumpy or something. So, I figured maybe she needed more sleep since she kept laying on me and giving a little whine. I laid down with her on our bed, and she drifted in and out of sleep. All of a sudden, she started gagging, for no apparent reason. I had no clue what was going on. She hadn't eaten yet, or anything. So, she spit up mostly spit and some mucus stuff. Well, I laid there for a while trying to comfort her (the gagging scared her really bad since she couldn't get anything up and couldn't breath in the process). She did it a total of 5 times throughout the morning.

I called Tony at work. I didn't know if I should take her to the ER or not... I mean, she wasn't running a fever, but this gagging was just freaking me out because she seemed like she was having a hell of a time with it. My only problem was that he had taken the car to work... nice. We decided I would try to give her some tylenol and give her some time before taking her in. She wouldn't take the medicine. I knew that if she didn't have a fever, the ER probably wouldn't even take her in anyways. But our thermometer was nowhere to be found, and the batteries are dead in it anyway.

So, I called a neighbor... she wasn't home. Called another, her thermometer was dying too. Finally, I got a hold of someone who had one and she brought it over right away. She helped calm me down (because by this time I was extrememly frustrated and stressed out,) and helped me take Carlee's temp. Not only did she not have a fever, her temp was unusually low, like 95 something on one reading and barely 96 on another reading. She told me it was probably a bug or flu, and that if Carlee's temp wasn't 103+ then they wouldn't take her. She gave me some pedialyte for her and gave some encouragement for me.

Carlee drank the juice... she held that down, so I gave her a few crackers. She held that down. So, at lunch I gave her shells and cheese baby food. She ate about half as she usually does, but at least she ate. I got her down for a nap, and when she woke up, she was fine.

I don't know what it was, but it was definately a challenging morning for me. It just sucked to be so new here. I felt so uncomfortable calling people I've barely known for a month at 9am in the morning. I just about had my one allowed overseas breakdown... lol...

She was fine in the afternoon, back to normal even, so we went to a birthday party that we had planned on going to for a while. She was fine! She played, she ate cake, she was perfectly fine. I talked to a friend there at the party, and she said it was probably Carlee's sinuses draining, because her daughter does the same thing when her's drain. So, I guess that's what it was. I just hope it doesn't happen again. It was a little scary.

She's also been teething for the past month, but the past two weeks have been hard. We can see a certain tooth trying to break through, we've been able to see it for over a week, but the darn thing just won't break through. So, she's a little warm today and I figured it's because of that. Gave her some tylenol. She's really latchy today. I don't know why. And she won't eat anything but crackers or goldfish today so far. I dunno... I really hope she's not coming down with anything. What's funny though, is she's not even acting sick. She's still playing, running around the house... or trying to rather. I'm making her wear her Hello Kitty house shoes. lol.. so she's really sliding around the house. Anyway. I'm not used to this. She's never been sick or had allergies. blah... hopefully it will pass soon. And she'll be completely back to normal.
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I'm just a girl... trying to be a good wife.. trying to be a good mom... trying to finish my degree... trying to adjust to living overseas for the first time... and always looking for new hobbies. :D

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