When it rains... It Pours

The first week we were here, the heat was unbearable, reaching the teens at times. Since then, it has cooled off some, but is still hot, especially during the middle of the day. Which is why from around 1-4 the Italians close up shop, and you cannot find anything open in any town between those hours. Anyhow... We were told that the rainy season starts around October, and that it probably wouldn't rain until then. A few days, storm clouds would gather, thunder would roar... but no rain would fall. And then today out of nowhere, we woke up from a nap to find it pouring rain, so much so that our street was flooding somewhat. It lasted for a good while, and finally the sun came back out and everything was dried up in oh probably less then ten minutes. lol... Thankfully the rain came and went in time for us to make it to town.