They amaze me everyday
Today was an awesome day. Started out by getting up earlier than usual. Got Carlee dressed, fed, and ready to meet the Mom's Club and their little ones at the main kiddie park. Right before we were ready to leave a new friend stopped by and joined us on our walk down there. I'm so glad I'm making so many great friends, and with babies Carlee's age!
So, Carlee played with the kids for about half an hour before it got way too hot outside. The poor thing was so red and sweaty I decided we should leave. My friend's baby was red too, so we went to her house to visit for a while. Her son and Carlee are the exact same age and it was so funny to watch them play and interact with eachother. I found out today that Carlee is a jealous little monkey. Anytime I showed the little boy any attention, Carlee would run (even from across the room), scream, and throw herself inbetween me and the little boy. Man, she's got some socializing to do! lol.. but other than that, she's really good with playing with other kids. I'm really surprised since I didn't really have the chance to get her socialized her whole first year. Anyway....
Oh! Here's my pic of the monkey bathroom set:

Is that not freakin cute or what!? The shower curtain matches and everthing! And now we have a place to put all the stuffed monkeys that Tony and I have bought eachother. :D And I also put up a couple of monkey themed children's books that I have. It's so cute in there, and I think Carlee likes it.... ANYWaY!... hehe...
The reason the day was so awesome:

Are they not just completley awesome?!? Watching Tony interact with Carlee just amazes me everyday. He is such a great dad. Tony was drumming away on Carlee's little LeapFrog drum, and she plopped over and started mimicking him. I published this in her blog also, but I wanted to put it here too.
Moments like this remind me of how wonderfully blessed I am.