The Procession
So, The Virgin Mary is the patron saint and protector of Enna. And every year they have this festival in her honor. The statue of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus are adorned with various gold items that have been giving to her by the public, such as necklaces, watches, chains, any item of gold. This year we were told she would have a total of more than 600 pounds of gold. She sits in a throne like structure and men of the Church carry her on their shoulders. They walk all the way down the main street that goes down the mountainside, and they do this barefoot on the hot pavement. After they passed each main intersection they set off a bunch of fireworks. We ended up right at an intersection and they fired off right in our ears almost. Carlee was quite scared, but she calmed down after a while. The festival was absolutely beautiful, and being Catholic it was emotional as well.