Italy Wins the World Cup!!!
All of our friends invited us to go into the town of Mineo and watch the game. We were originally going to watch it in the Church plaza where they had a huge projection on a wall, but there were so many people and we were all hungry. So we decided to eat at a little family run pizzeria and watch it on their little tv instead. The food was so good and the game was exciting... and when Italy finally won we were amazed at the town's reaction. They all came rushing out of the Church, all ran into their cars, vespas, 3 wheeled vehicles, cramming as many people on each one as possible, and then drove around the plaza honking their horns, waving Italian flags, and making as much noise as possible. You could say they were happy. lol... Fireworks were done right off the roof of the old Church. A couple of guys brought out a hand crafted version of the french flag and burned it. They were definately passionate in their celebrations. The excitement was infectious and we enjoyed the night. We ended up leaving around 11 pm and the Italians were still celebrating. lol.. It was so much fun. Here are some pics from the night:

All of our friends that we've made over the past few weeks:

The screen in the Church court where most of them watched the game:

Where the family made the pizzas right in plain view:

People rushing out of the Church area right after the winning goal:

Driving around the block... it was very loud!

Burning the french flag replica: