Household Goods Finally!
Tomorrow, our household goods shipment is finally being delivered! We can't wait. We're really excited. We feel like we've been waiting forever. A month without all of our stuff has felt like forever, but we also know that we were a lot luckier than some people who were in temp. housing for that long! So, we'll be buried in boxes tomorrow.... We're also having problems with our internet connection already, but we're not sure if it's something on the laptop or if it's the connection itself... we'll find out when Tony's new computer gets here.
On another note, I am registered for two classes this fall. I am so excited to be starting school again. I'm really optimistic. I'm only taking two since I've never tried online classes before, and I don't know how much extra time I'll have to study with the baby and all. If all goes well, next semester I hope to take even a few more. First I'm taking Business Principles, and Macroeconomics.
Today I drove to Nas1 for the first time today. It's about a 40 minute drive. I'm getting more comfortable driving here, thank goodness. :D
Other than this, we haven't been up to much. Tony's been working for a few days now. He likes his new job a lot more than his old one at Mayport. I've been to a few Mom's Club meetings. All the moms here are really nice. The meetings have been really fun, and Carlee loves playing with all the toys and the other kids. That's all.... :D