last night
Last night was a little hard for me. My best friends here threw me a farewell dinner. Well, it was supposed to be for both Hubby and me, but he had to stay late at work. :( So, the baby and I went. It was a geocaching event, so all of my geocaching buddies went. A lot of people showed up, honsestly I was really surprised. It was a little overwhelming to say the least. Over the last two years, they all have become close friends, some more like family. And I had had a fairly stressfull day, C had still been acting up all day, and then to suddenly realize I was saying goodbye to my great friends here, it just hit me all at once, and well, I lost it. I was bawling. My friend L joined me though, so I wasn't alone in the crying. :) Sigh... it was awesome though, to know that no matter where we go from here, these great people will always be there for us if we need them. It's amazing to make friends like that.