Baby fever on a navy schedule...
Yesterday was another duty day... boo... and my baby girl was unusually extra fussy, but we managed. The other day I caught baby fever out of nowhere... lol. I guess I was just missing when my daughter was really tiny. I got to thinking, if we're going to have another kid, we might as well have one now, so that we get the baby years out of the way at pretty much the same time. Plus, if I go back to school like I want to, it wouldn't make a difference if I end up staying home with the second one too (say after child #1 goes to school)... then that's another 4-5 years at home again. Which is fine, I really enjoy being a stay at home mom. I love being able to connect with our daughter on a daily basis. Another thought I had was, now would be a good time to have a second baby since Hubby is up for shore duty. He's going to be home everyday for three years!!!! After that, he'll be up for sea duty again, and it's three years of underways and deployments (which means he would miss alot of the new baby's milestones).... but then again, with another baby we probably wouldn't be able to travel as much in Italy. So, we've decided to wait. But I'm looking foward to it.... when it happens.
Hubby is getting everything in order for the move. I'm a little less stressed out. Hopefully I can stay that way. My job is getting the cats taken care of. Next up is Dori getting fixed, and both of them need those microchip things implanted, since Italy requires them. I'm also trying to plan Baby's birthday party. Her first birthday. wow. It really flew by. Anyway, I'm going to reserve the complex's pool area. I thought I had decided on the 20th of May, but it turns out that there's an event my friends will probably be going to that day, so I don't know.
I'm waiting for hubby to get home.... he is supposed to get off early since he had duty yesterday, but that never happens. Tomorrow, I have a dentist appointment. This time it's at the Naval hospital, and it's to look at my wisdom teeth. It's just the evaluation though, we'll probably be gone by the time they decide they can do the procedure, but whatever.
I need to go call the vet. My mind is constantly jumping from thing to thing. Hope everyone has a good one.